Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Special Delivery for Anthony Perkins

Forget the Bates Motel it was at the Angel Hotel, Cardiff, that actor Anthony Perkins suffered his worst nightmare.

Back in 1989 the cult star was in Wales filming some Patricia Highsmith stories for television. He checked into his hotel as arranged only to be arrested on the spot by local fuzz for importing drugs. Perkins had posted some home-grown cannabis to himself from Los Angeles!

How did he get caught? Well, in a mix-up worthy of a Patricia Highsmith novel the drug package was mistakenly given to another hotel guest named Perkins. This stand-up citizen handed the stash to the hotel manager who in turn phoned the drug squad.

When interviewed by police the Psycho star made a full confession, stating he'd grown the cannabis in his back garden strictly for his own use. At Cardiff Magistrates' Court he admitted illegally importing the weed (enough for 6 jazz cigarettes) and expressed his embarrassment. He was fined £200.

Outside the Court the man who once played Norman Bates told reporters: "I feel such a fool."