In recent months a new literary magazine has sprung up in downtown Cardiff glorying in the name of CFUK. Its editor Dylan Moore has international aspirations for his litzine and declares that it will go as far as its writers and readers want to take it.
Initially intended as a bimonthly journal CFUK has now sensibly settled into a quarterly. So far it has included interviews with Richard Gwyn; John Williams; Niall Griffiths; Topher Mills; Lloyd Robson; Rachel Trezise; and Peter Finch amongst others.
CFUK's cut'n'paste aesthetic and iconoclastic spirit owe something to punk and there is also a retrospective nod toward Peter Finch's avant-gardist late Sixties/early Seventies poetry magazine second aeon.
Is it any good? Yes. CFUK has youthful swagger, bags of energy and provides a much needed showcase for aspiring writers. You'll also find book reviews and regular columns by the likes of Hayley Long and Gary Raymond. Welsh language readers might wonder how genuinely Welsh CFUK actually is and I'd certainly argue the toss with some of Dylan Moore's views - so hey, it's contentious as well. And in the soporific world of Welsh magazine publishing that has got to be a good thing.
It will be interesting to see how CFUK develops in the coming months. So far the emphasis has been mainly (though not exclusively) on Urban fiction. I'm hoping it finds space for features on maverick writers like Rhys Hughes and Alastair Reynolds and interesting authors from the Welsh language scene like Mihangel Morgan and Grahame Davies. We'll see.
Currently retailing at a mere £2 (!) CFUK is certainly great value - so check it out. Subscription details etc can be found at the CFUK website.
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