In Chapters

If you enjoy interesting collaborations between literary types and musicians then In Chapters at Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff, is the event for you. The idea is to present new work based around a chosen theme - this month it's trains.
Hopping a ride - hobo-like - on this particular thematic express will be Gareth Bonello of the Gentle Good; cellist Lucy Burke; Random Deaths and Custard author Catrin Dafydd; Peter Finch who'll be presenting an actual sound poem; musician and artist Andy Fung; Robert Lewis author of The Last Llanelli Train and Swansea Terminal; producer Iwan Morgan; and Rhys Thomas whose debut novel The Suicide Club was a belter.
The Casey Joneses driving this new concept are writer John Williams and former Gorky's Zygotic Mynci Richard James. Tickets cost a fiver and the In Chapters express departs at 8pm precisely - so make sure you don't miss it.
*In Chapters will take place at Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff, on Thursday 21 January. 8pm - 9.15pm. For tickets or further information call the box office on: 029 2030 4400.
Hopping a ride - hobo-like - on this particular thematic express will be Gareth Bonello of the Gentle Good; cellist Lucy Burke; Random Deaths and Custard author Catrin Dafydd; Peter Finch who'll be presenting an actual sound poem; musician and artist Andy Fung; Robert Lewis author of The Last Llanelli Train and Swansea Terminal; producer Iwan Morgan; and Rhys Thomas whose debut novel The Suicide Club was a belter.
The Casey Joneses driving this new concept are writer John Williams and former Gorky's Zygotic Mynci Richard James. Tickets cost a fiver and the In Chapters express departs at 8pm precisely - so make sure you don't miss it.
*In Chapters will take place at Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff, on Thursday 21 January. 8pm - 9.15pm. For tickets or further information call the box office on: 029 2030 4400.
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