Introducing Shay Hendrix

Shay Hendrix is an actress, model, and lapdancer. She is also the latest Welsh beauty to be making a name for herself in the adult entertainment industry.
As her moniker suggests the 24-year-old from north Wales is something of a rock-chick. Adorned with imaginatively positioned tattoos and piercings, her look is pitched somewhere between Lauren Laverne and one of those sixth formers gone bad who hang out with the local biker gang.
A quick scan of the internet reveals that Shay changes her hair colour more often than most people change their underwear. At the moment she's blonde.
The gorgeous gog made her debut last year for Killergram in a flick entitled Tattooed F**k Sluts. Since then she has gone on to do further video, magazine and online work, during which she has built up a reputation for being both extremely professional and fun to work with.
When she's not making great erotica Ms Hendrix gets her kicks from watching bands and driving too fast in her car. Top tip - if you intend winning this Welsh minx's heart by cooking her a slap-up meal avoid the following: tea, coffee, bananas, and worst of all, potatoes. She absolutely hates them. And if you want to impress her then for heaven's sake buy her a pair of stripey socks - she adores them!
Recently I asked Flintshire's finest, via email, whether she would ever consider making a Welsh-language porn film. This was her response:
"Sut mae? Dwi'n siarad Cymraeg tipyn bach... unfortunately that's about it. I can hold basic conversations that I still remember from school and little bits I've picked up along the way but sadly not enough to do a whole movie incorporating it. I did once say "I love big cocks" in Welsh, in a scene with Killergram, but have no idea if they'll edit it out when it's released. They thought it was funny at the time but maybe the editing guy won't! I'd love to be fluent and actually feel quite ashamed that I don't understand my native language. Belated New Year's resolution - learn Welsh!"
I don't know if S4C are currently running one of their regular learn how to speak Welsh TV progs featuring local celebrities, but they could do a lot worse than sign up Shay Hendrix for the gig. Viewing figures would go through the roof and I'm confident that the Flintshire fox would not only pass her oral with flying colours but spark a revival of our mother tongue.
*Special thanks to Shay for allowing me to use her quotes. She has a myspace site here - do check it out.