Richard Burton and Greta Garbo

Here's a thesp anecdote from the Cardiff Times back in 1953:
Garbo Intrigued by Welsh Accent
It was at a small private party. The great Garbo, apparently fascinated by the Welsh accent of Sybil Williams Burton, Richard Burton's wife, drifted over and spent two hours talking with them.
Asked what Garbo talked about, Burton paused. "Come to think of it," he said, "I did most of the talking and she laughed - very melodiously."
Then he admitted yielding to an irrepressible urge. "It was unpardonable considering I'd just met her, but she took it with wonderful grace. I suddenly squeezed her arm and gave her a hug, but promptly explained I had to do it so I could write and tell sis that I'd hugged the Great Garbo."
"Sis" is Burton's eldest sister Cecilia who brought him up from the time their mother died when Richard was two-years-old. "Now" he said, "I've met the two people I most wanted to meet in Hollywood - Garbo and Groucho Marx!"
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